搜索 Rich

  • Starz过去宣布拍摄《白王后 The White Queen》及《白公主 The White Princess》的姐妹篇限定剧《西班牙公主 The meijubar.net Spanish Princess》,由Charlot te Hope饰演女主角。该剧根据Philippa Gre gory所著的小说《The Constant Princess》及《The King’s Curse》改编,现定于美国时间5月8日首播。 《…
  • In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafarer of them all. He killed for the reputation, and his reputation has become legend. Now, for the first time, comes the true story of pirate Edward Teach, the man who terro…
  • 提奥·詹姆斯加盟[绝密档案](Archive,暂译)。该片是[月球]的概念设计者加文·罗瑟里的导演处女作。故事设置在近未来,提奥饰演的科学家,创造出一款与人类十分接近的机器人,他的科研成果背后,却隐藏着不可告人的目的。[摩天大楼]摄影师劳里·罗斯将为本片掌镜。
  • Emerson Graham's nights as a cab driver are filled with annoyances and inconveniences, but until tonight, never attacks and disappearances. After picking up a mysterious passenger her evening goes from working a job to performing a quest as they must race against the clock to defeat a force of evil. The meter is runnin…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> A fisherman contends with an ocean-borne outbreak that threatens his seaside island community.<br/></p>
  • A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.
  • 影片改编自真实事件。故事发生在地处偏远的一处法国小镇之上,克里斯蒂安(朱莉·理查德森 Joely Richardson 饰)和莱尔(乔迪·梅 Jodhi May 饰)是情同手足的两姐妹,从小孤苦伶仃相依为命的生活让两人之间接下了深深的感情和羁绊。长大后,为了谋求生计,两姐妹一起来到了当地的一户富裕人家做女佣,生活工作虽然辛苦,但只要两人能够在一起…
  • 2022年,泰国总理戴蓬髮布灾难预警法,设立亚洲太平洋预警中心,由总理的心腹沙炎博士出任院长。此外,预警中心有3名热爱大自然年轻工作人员,虽然平时工作中互相竞争,但私底下相亲相爱犹如一家人。沙炎博士预测到未来将发生大地震,于是总理戴蓬髮布紧急疏散令,但博士计算错误,大地震并没有发生,导致民众对总理不满,政敌也乘机施压。沙炎…
  • 奥勒·赫尔滕在往返桑德尔福德和斯特伦斯塔德的渡轮上醉醺醺地醒来,在他的车里有一把枪和一大包钱,与此同时,警方正在追捕一名挟持了人质并驾车逃跑的劫匪。
  • 随着白日落幕,城市在夜色中睡去,人们一如既往地进入梦乡。然而他们却不知道,一群被称为“说书人”的隐形灵体正在影响他们的梦境,这些说书人通过梦境向人们传递希望与力量。然而在今夜,世界不再只有一种善良的说书人,代表邪恶力量的“墨水”来到世上,他企图通过噩梦散播绝望。尽管几个说书人竭力阻挠,墨水还是成功绑架了一位名叫艾玛的小…