搜索 Ng

  • Orphaned at a very young age, Gui, a fourth-year engineering student, has had to work hard and earn for himself for as long as he can remember. Still, through the test of time, he still has a soft demeanor and a smile on his face.Solo, a freshman in the Faculty of Music, can get anything he wants with a flick of his wr…
  • As a zombie virus breaks out, one ragtag group of trapped elevator passengers must pull together for a fighting chance of survival against an infected rider and the clever horde that awaits them outside.
  • In a summer they won't forget, two broke college students start filming parties for money. Hello dollar signs. Goodbye morals. Welcome to the night club scene.
  • 在被妻子因为滥交而赶出家门后,马克发现自己又回到了饺子农场,一个充满了青春回忆和聚会的地方,但事情不太顺利。他的老朋友伊恩从未离开过这个地方,他被一群吃人恶魔附身。利用伊恩和他的农场,这些美丽的女巫美人计马克和他的朋友来消耗他们的灵魂。
  • 20世纪70年代末期,一支由军队控制的民兵团体控制了菲律宾丛林中的一个遥远村庄。士兵们身着制服,手握机关枪,在村子里散布肉体和精神上的恐惧。他们使得村中邻里之间反目为敌,并试图根除村民们对传说和神灵的信仰。勇敢的年轻医生洛雷娜为贫苦人家开设了诊所,却随后消失不见。她的丈夫雨果·海尼威是一名诗人、社会运动家和老师,打算去寻找…
  • 以菲律宾为主题的影片,代表菲律宾电影的三位导演Brillante Mendoza,Lavda Diaz和Kidla Lathatimic参与其中。菲律宾由7,641个岛屿组成,分为三个部分:北吕宋岛,南棉兰老岛和中米沙鄢群岛。
  • <p>A majestic film in which two stories easily fit. One about a filmmaker who is a little like Diaz himself and wrestles with the completion of his film and with greedy film festival programmers. And one about a religious leader. Also a little like Diaz himself?               &n…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 两个年轻的姐妹,被派去和他们疏远的姑姑住在一起,发现她家里所有的镜子都盖了或藏着。当一个姐妹在地下室的镜子上发生,她不知不觉地释放了一个恶意的恶魔,这个恶魔几年前一直困扰着她的母亲和姑姑。<br/></p>
  • 운명처럼 나타난 여인, 끝까지 지킨다! 사랑하는 연인을 잃고 삶의 의욕마저 잃은 ‘수한’은 어릴 적 친구 ‘태영’, ‘진철’과 함께 사채업체에서 일한다. 그러던 어느 날 괴한들로부터 쫓기던 ‘예진’을 우연히 도와준 ‘수한’은 자신의 집에 ‘예진'을 숨겨준다. 사실 ‘예진’은 ‘태진 그룹’의 유일한 후계자로, 그룹을 차지하려…
  •   운명처럼 나타난 여인, 끝까지 지킨다!   사랑하는 연인을 잃고 삶의 의욕마저 잃은 ‘수한’은 어릴 적 친구 ‘태영’, ‘진철’과 함께 사채업체에서 일한다.   그러던 어느 날 괴한들로부터 쫓기던 ‘예진’을 우연히 도와준 ‘수한’은 자신의 집에 ‘예진'을 숨겨준다.   사실 ‘예진’은 ‘태진 그룹’…