搜索 Jany

  • 1st full-length feature by the self-described Christian-atheist, it was made in occupied France after Bresson had done a year in a prison camp.There's nothing ostentatious i his style. It's sparse, no flashy camera-acrobatics or editing tricks. I always feel the best directors are those whose work you hardly notice.The…
  • 弄内洋太是东京私立贵大高等学校高一年级的一名普通中学生,人缘一般,在仅有的几位朋友中,与同班同学新舞贵志和早川燃美最为要好,三个人也可以说是死党洋太一直暗暗喜欢着燃美,他趁一次出玩时鼓起勇气想向燃美表白,可燃美却在他说出那句话之前说了这样一句话:我喜欢的人是贵志。当时的情景一直印在了洋太...
  • 滑板女孩HD