搜索 汉娜·斯卡尔赞卡

  • After a five-year hiatus from filmmaking, Piotr Szulkin returned in 1990 with "Femina", based on a novel by Krystyna Kofta and inspired by Luis Bunuel.The main character is Bogna, a thirty year old woman lost in her surrounding reality and unhappy in her private life. After her husband departs for a foreign s…
  • 故事发生在1946年的波兰,美国大兵诺曼(斯科特·威尔森ScottWilson饰)邂逅了波兰寡妇艾米莉亚(玛雅·歌摩劳斯嘉MajaKomorowska饰),在动荡的时代大背景下,两颗孤独的心越走越近。虽然两人语言不通,但是通过眼神,通过动作,他们知道对方都深深的坠入了爱河之中。然而,艾米莉亚却并不能离开波兰,因为她还有年迈的老母亲在这里需要照顾。…